The Parents Who Want Daughters–And Daughters Only

May 9, 2024

image of an oocyte being fertilized with a needle

(Slate) – Having a baby via IVF first requires creating an embryo in a Petri dish. Embryonic testing can reveal secrets like genetic disorders. That allows it to serve as a screening tool for parents who carry genes for rare diseases. Such testing also lets parents know the sex of their prospective children. It essentially allows patients to pick whether they will have a male or female baby. Sex selection was once controversial in the U.S. and is banned in almost every other country. Many Americans unaware of the process still assume that it’s that way. In reality, it has now become a standard part of IVF here. For some, the option to sex select is a perk of an otherwise exacting process. For others, it’s the whole point of doing IVF in the first place. (Read More)