The US Has Bird Flu Vaccines. Here’s Why You Can’t Get One

January 23, 2025

1997 electron micrograph image of bird flu

(Wired) – H5N1 vaccines have been previously licensed, and millions are in the national stockpile. But even with the news of the country’s first human death due to bird flu, vaccination isn’t yet recommended.

The US has previously licensed three H5N1 vaccines for humans, but they’re not available commercially. The government has purchased millions of doses for the national stockpile in case they’re needed. But even as the outbreak spread, federal health officials under President Joe Biden were hesitant to deploy them. Experts say the decision comes down to risk, and currently, the risk of H5N1 remains low. Rolling out a vaccine to farm workers and others at higher risk of infection would be a more targeted tactic, but even that measure may be premature. Now, with a changeover in federal health leadership imminent as President Donald Trump begins his second term, the decision rests with the new administration. (Read More)