After Years of Prescription Pills, She Is Unmedicated and Unapologetic

March 26, 2025

a model of the regions of the brain

(New York Times) – After college, as her friends soared, her life became an endless round of psychiatrists, institutionalizations and outpatient programs. An incomplete list of the drugs she has been prescribed: Depakote, Prozac, Ambien, Abilify, Klonopin, Lamictal, Provigil, Lithium.

Delano was the subject of a 2019 profile in The New Yorker, on the cascading effects of prescription pills and the challenge of getting off them. In “Unshrunk,” she tells her own story, and she tells it powerfully. Her memoir evokes “Girl, Interrupted” for the age of the prescription pill, a time when more and more Americans are on at least one medication for their mental health, including millions of children and teenagers. (Read More)