He Dialed 911 to Save His Baby. Then His Children Were Taken Away.
December 30, 2024

(New York Times) – The controversial medical diagnosis of shaken baby syndrome can send parents to jail. What if the symptoms are caused by something else?
Even if parents who are accused challenge an abusive-head-trauma diagnosis with medical experts of their own, prosecutors tend to view these witnesses cynically. Their distrust stems from a core belief among some child advocates that physicians who question the diagnosis — whom some dismiss as “denialists” — are bad actors. “Denialists persist in generating false controversy against the diagnosis of A.H.T. and unwarranted skepticism about shaking being an important mechanism of A.H.T.,” states an opinion essay written by three prominent child-abuse experts that appeared last year in JAMA Pediatrics, a journal of the American Medical Association. “Misinformation generated by science denialists may harm children.” (Read More)