Stop Hacking Humans
January 28, 2025

(The New Atlantis) – From cradle to grave, surrogacy to smartphones to gender surgery to euthanasia, Americans are using technology to shortcut human nature — and shortchange ourselves. Here is a new agenda for turning technology away from hacking humans and toward healing them.
Human beings have a nature: distinctive forms and pathways of flourishing that cannot easily be bypassed without causing harm. While many people still believe this, we have also been allowing technology to tell us a different story, a fairytale in which any craving can and should be met and any negative side effects are temporary — just new needs waiting for a new solution from the technological cornucopia.
Rightly wary of the threats from big government, we have too often allowed ourselves to be lulled to sleep by lobbyists spinning this fairytale, and are now awakening to find ourselves in an inhumane dystopia in which technology has increasingly been turned, from conception to death, against the human person and against the family, in which we flourish. (Read More)