New Articles from BMC Medical Ethics Are Now Available
November 25, 2021
BMC Medical Ethics has new articles available online.
Articles include:
- “Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Research Integrity Training Practices: A Qualitative Study” by Daniel Pizzolato and Kris Dierickx
- “Knowledge and Attitudes about End-of-Life Decisions, Good Death and Principles of Medical Ethics among Doctors in Tertiary Care Hospitals in Sri Lanka: A Cross-Sectional Study” by Thashi Chang, et al
- “Development and Validation of an Instrument to Measure Physician Awareness of Bioethics and Medical Law in Oman” by Ahmed S. Al-Busaidi, et al.
- “Current Wishes to Die; Characteristics of Middle-Aged and Older Dutch Adults who are ready to Give Up on Life: A Cross-Sectional Study” by Roosmarijne M. K. Kox, et al.
- “Taking Stock of the Availability and Functions of National Ethics Committees Worldwide” by Patrik Hummel, et al.
- “Precision Medicine and the Principle of Equal Treatment: A Conjoint Analysis” by Eirik Joakim Tranvåg, et al.
- “Priority Setting at the Clinical Level: The Case of Nusinersen and the Norwegian National Expert Group” by Morten Magelssen, et al.
- “Normative Framework of Informed Consent in Clinical Research in Germany, Poland, and Russia” by Marcin Orzechowski, et al.